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Counselor's Corner

Ms. Justine Jackson (Soon to be Mrs. Tandy)

Hello Lake Hills Hawks! 

My name is Justine Jackson, and I am the School Counselor at Lake Hills Elementary. Riverside is home to me as I was born here and attended California Baptist University for both my undergraduate and graduate education. I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology and then a Master of Science in School Counseling and PPS Credential from California Baptist University.  I have always had a passion for serving and advocating for others especially within education and to do that for young children now is what I believe to be my purpose and joy. I enjoy working and serving alongside all of our students, parents and staff here within our Lake Hills community to help each and every one of our students fulfill their individual personal and academic goals.

This page provides you with the information about the School Counseling program, services that I provide, upcoming counseling-related activities and events, and counseling topics and resources.  I believe in a strong partnership with parents through collaboration and clear communication and will make it a priority to maintain this partnership to help each student reach their individual and unique goals to achieve success.  For this reason I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns as I am here to serve and be of aid to you and your students.  

As your student’s Elementary School Counselor I offer the following services: 

  • Individual Short Term Counseling 

  • Focused Group Counseling 

  • Classroom Guidance Lessons 

  • Parent Consultation and Community Resource Connection 

  • Teacher/Staff Collaboration 


I can help your students with... 

  • Friendship skills (making and maintaining healthy relationships) 

  • Setting goals for their academic success  

  • Working well with others  

  • Feeling good about themselves (building a positive self-image and self-confidence) 

  • Adjusting to a new school 

  • Emotional management skills (stress, worry, anger, etc.)  

  • Dealing with peer pressure and bullying 


I can help parents with... 

  • Exploring ways to help your student succeed in academic, career, personal and social development 

  • ShapeImproving parent-child communications 

  • Providing referrals for community resources 

School Counselor 

Counselor Referral Form tab: 

Lake Hills Elementary School:  

Parent Referral for School Counseling Services 

This referral form is for Parents and Guardians of Lake Hills Elementary School students. The school counselor, Justine Jackson, will contact either you or your child within two school days of receiving this referral. 

Parent/Guardian Counseling Referral Form  

(let me know if the link will take you directly to the form or not or if it does it by copying & pasting) 

*If this referral is urgent or you are concerned for the safety of your student, please contact the school counselor immediately at the school office at 951-358-1620 or call 911. 

Thank you,  
Ms. Jackson 

Need Counseling Services outside of school? 
Care Solace - A SIMPLE, FAST and SAFE Tool for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Help. The most TRUSTED community of care in partnership with Alvord Unified School District. 

Care Solace Resource Link 

  • Lake Hills Elementary School:

    Parent Referral for School Counseling Services

    This referral form is for Parents and Guardians of Lake Hills Elementary School students. The school counselor, Justine Jackson, will contact either you or your child within two school days of receiving this referral.

    Counseling Referral

    *If this referral is urgent or you are concerned for the safety of your student, please contact the school counselor immediately at the school office at 951-358-1620 or call 911.

    Thank you,
    Ms. Jackson
    Need Counseling Services outside of school?
    Care Solace - A SIMPLE, FAST and SAFE Tool for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Help. The most TRUSTED community of care in partnership with Alvord Unified School District.

    Care Solace Resource Link

  • 1.  What services does the counselor provide?

    Elementary School Counselors provide preventive and intervention services, which are integrated into all aspects of children’s lives.  Counselors provide appropriate tools for communicating, making decisions, and developing friendships and coping skills.  Counselors provide services by developing and delivering classroom presentations that teach skills for achieving success, facilitating small group counseling and providing immediate short-term counseling when needed, and providing support during personal crises.  In addition, counselors work collaboratively with parents to help their student succeed in academic, career, personal and social development and provide referrals for community resources. 

     2.  How does my student get referred to the counselor?

    Students can see their Elementary School Counselor via self-referral, parental request, request of the counselor, administrative referral, and/or teacher or staff referral.  Parental referral forms are available in the main office and online under counselor contact information on the "Meet the Counselor Page."

     3.  How do parents contact the counselor?

    Parents are invited to contact the school counselor at any time via phone or email regarding their child.  We can discuss your concerns over the phone or you can come in to meet with me. Parents can call or email the School Counselor to set up a conference.

     4.  For how long does the school counselor see the student?

    Sessions may be held on a regular, ongoing basis or simply as needed.  

    5.  How do I get referred for outside services? 

    The role of a school counselor is to assist children during their school day. This may include issues with friends, test anxiety, social issues, and problems at home that are affecting their school day. When there are difficulties at home (i.e. divorce, death of a loved one, deployment) that are not affecting the child at school or are affecting the child greatly at school there are times when outside, private counseling may be necessary. If you decide private counseling is necessary for your family, I can provide information regarding local counseling agencies.

     6.  If it is a weekend, how do I get help for Crisis Counseling?

    Our district has many resources for various situations on their website at... You can also ask your school counselor for a list of local resources to contact in case of a crisis situation.

     7.  If a student is getting outside services, what is the school counselor’s role?

    The school counselor can collaborate with the outside service providers if needed. There is a form that the school counselor might give you titled, Authorization for Use and/or Disclosure of Confidential Information, which will allow communication between providers.

     8.  What are the parameters around confidentiality?

    Confidentiality is an important aspect of counseling; this is how the counselor builds trust with the student. What the child says during counseling is to remain between the counselor and the child unless: 1. The child is in imminent danger. 2. The child is threatening to harm him/herself or someone else. 3. The child reports an incident of abuse and/or neglect. 4. The child gives permission to disclose. When a breach of confidentiality is necessary, I would make a report to the appropriate agencies, support staff and/or parents depending on the situation. Note: School counselors and other school staff members are mandated reporters. Mandated reporters are required by law to report to CPS any time a student is suspected of being in danger.

     9.  How can I get ahold of the counselor? 

     The counselor is available 8:00-3:00 Monday- Friday. You can reach them by phone, email, or meet with him in person.

     10.  Why would my child see you? 

    Students may be referred to the school counselor if there are concerns that are inhibiting their learning here at school. Some concerns, but not limited to are: Behavioral, social/ emotional, and academic concerns.

     11.  Will you notify me if you spoke to my child?

     Parents are notified at the discretion of the counselor. If a counselor will be seeing a student on an on-going basis the counselor will notify the parent and seek parental consent for school counseling.

     12.  What topics do you cover in small groups?

      Small group topics are determined based on the needs of the small group. Previous groups held here and their topics are listed below:

    • Study Skills Group: Learning skills to help with academic related issues, organization, time management, staying on task
    • Citizenship Group: Skills to help get along with others, making good choices, positive behavior choices, social skills, accepting differences in others 
    • G.I.R.L.S. Group: Self- discovery; communication; gossip; increase self-esteem; personal power; friendship


     13.  Where is the Counselor’s office?

     The Counselor’s office is around the back left corner of the library. If you need assistance finding her office please ask at the front office.

     14.  Am I in trouble if I see the School Counselor?

     When you receive a slip with the Counselor’s name on it, it does not mean you have been called in because you are in trouble or “bad.” In fact, a counselor is an adult who acts as your advocate! An advocate is someone who wants to listen to what you have to say and help you come up with reasonable solutions to make your situation better. It does not mean that your counselor can solve the problem for you; it does mean that you have a safe place that you can go to when you are not sure what to do.

  • Take a look at some important information including statistics and resources that emphasize the importance of your students' attendance:

    Attendance Works (English)

    Attendance Works (Spanish)

    Taking Action on Attendance PowerPoint (English)

    Taking Action on Attendance PowerPoint (Spanish)


    "Every missed school day is a missed opportunity!"
    -Tom Torlakson, State Superindendent of Instruction

         Here at Lake Hills our priority is for all students to realize their unlimited potential. When a student is absent from school, even for one day, it can make a dramatic impact on the progress they make academically. Good attendance helps children do well in school and eventually in the workplace. Having them come to school every day, on time, is teaching them time management skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Help your child succeed by making attendance a priority for you and your student this year!

         Every parent wants their child to succeed, however some parents are unaware of the negative effects that absenteeism can have. Here are some startling statistics:

    • 1 in 10 students in kindergarten and 1st grade are chronically absent. In some schools, it's as high as 1 in 4 students!

    • Chronic absenteeism is a red alert that students are headed for academic trouble and eventually for dropping out of high school.
    • Missing 10% or more of school for any reason (excused, unexcused, etc.) is an indication that a student is academically at risk due to missing too much school.


    Partner with us this year in increasing attendance and bring your child one step closer to realizing their UNLIMITED potential!


    Below you will find helpful tips on what you can do to help with common problems people have that lead to poor attendance.
    For additional support, please do not hesitate to contact our school counselor. 

    • Set a regular bedtime and morning routine.
    • Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
    • Find out what day school starts and make sure your child has the required shots.
    • Introduce your child to her teachers and classmates before school starts to help her transition.
    • Don’t let your child stay home unless she is truly sick. Keep in mind complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home. 
    • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents for advice on how to make her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
    • Develop some backup plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor or another parent.
    • Avoid medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session.


  • Hello and welcome to our Character Education page.  At Lake Hills we strive to promote character education as well as academic education.  Our overreaching theme is that "Lake Hills Hawks have C.L.A.S.S." 

    The letters stand for:






    To help promote having CLASS, students are able to earn "Caught Having Class" tickets.  These tickets are given out by any staff member that catches a student performing an action or behavior that falls within the traits of having CLASS.  The student then has the responsibility of placing the tickets in a ticket drum for a chance to win a prize that is drawn once a week.  There is no limit to the amount of tickets a student can earn, the more they earn the better their chance in the drawing. 


  • Lake Hills Scholars are College & Career Bound!


    What is college and career readiness?

    Alvord Unified School District recognizes the importance of college and career readiness. A “college-ready” student is defined as an academically prepared student who is ready for postsecondary education without the need for remedial coursework. AUSD also recognizes that not all students will choose the college route, so teachers, administrators and counselors begin informing parents about career readiness. A “career-ready” student is defined as someone who possesses both the necessary knowledge and technical skills needed for employment in their desired career field.

    What is the role of the counselor?

    The National Office for School Counselor Advocacy has identified eight components of college and career readiness, yet only six of these components should be applied to the elementary setting:

    • College Aspiration: Nurture confidence in students to aspire to college by maintaining high expectations and conveying the conviction that all students can succeed in college.
    • Academic Planning for College and Career Readiness: Encourage students to participate in rigorous academic programs by increasing rigor within your own classroom. Help students realize they are capable of achieving greater academic goals than they set for themselves.
    • Enrichment and Extracurricular Engagement: Push the administration to conduct a school and community audit of enrichment and extracurricular activities that offer participation and leadership options to all students.
    • College and Career Exploration and Selection Process: Promote a college-going culture where students are encouraged to aim high. They should also begin writing processes that help them develop college application skills such as writing personal statements.
    • College and Career Assessment: When students complete a benchmark test, take the time to share the results with them. Help students become more self-aware of their achievement and take a personal interest in their growth.
    • College Affordability Planning: Begin financial literacy at an early age. Integrate lessons about basic finance, wealth and money management into math curriculum.


  • Resources

    Parents are an extremely important part of a child's education. In the counseling department, we believe parent involvement is key to a student's success. We have amazing parents in our school family and we understand that there is a time in every parent's life when they need a little extra support.

    As your school counselor, I am able to obtain needed resources inside and outside of the school setting to support your unique situations. Here are a few resources you may find helpful. Feel free to contact me if you need any additional support.  


    Care Solace

    A SIMPLE, FAST and SAFE Tool for Substance Abuse and Mental Health HelpThe most TRUSTED community of care


    AUSD Website – Link Coming Soon 
    A search engine where you're able to look up low/no cost resources to fit your needs

    Network of Care
    Provides information and resources for the health and social service fields within California as well many additional states.


    Connect Riverside
    A database of social service resources, providers, programs, and services.


    The National Alliance on Mental Health
    A mental health organization which educates and advocates for individuals and families impacted by mental health.


    Parent Resources: Below are suggested online resources for our parents and families.

    California Association for the Gifted (CAG)

    Healthy Habits 
    Student Guide to Nutrition and Fitness Resources 


    Homework Help:

    Riverside Public Library Homework Help

    Cal Baptist University: Academic Success Center (ASC)
    The ASC center provides Community Tutoring for Elementary- High School students. Tutoring takes place at the university for $20 per 60 minutes. Tutoring is provided by trained CBU students with proven excellence in their particular disciplines. Bilingual tutors available upon request and availability.
    Call for appointments


    Homeless Community Resources in Riverside:
    The Homeless Programs Unit's primary purpose is to develop and maintain an effective county-wide Continuum of Care.

    County of Riverside Homeless Programs

    Riverside Homeless Resources

    Riverside Homeless Resources (Spanish)


    Kids Health:
    Guide to Children's Health


    PTO Today
    PTO Today is a company dedicated exclusively to providing a full suite of products, programs, and services to the entire K-8 school parent group market


    Positive Parenting Program Triple P Positive Parenting Program
    Tips for Positive Parenting


    Safe Kids
    Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children.

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